Are you considering taking a Rhetoric course this spring? Have you ever questioned what art is? What science is? Are distinctions between the two–whether imagined, philosophical, historical, or practical–critical to any productive conception of them? This course probes literature from and about both art and science in order interrogate this operative distinction, in turn questioning how both histories and practices of “art” and “science” implicitly or explicitly stake out their limits. To do so, we examine a vocabulary that has forced itself into the texts of art and science—Life, Self, Future, Universal, Vision, Globes, Genius, Ugliness, Shock, and Big. We examine such “formations of meaning” across space and time, and across domains of practice. We look to the play of these terms in artistic and scientific discourse and practice in order to gain a sense of how the relationship between art and science has been imagined and enacted. (4 units)
Course Info
Spring 2019
The Department of Rhetoric
4 units
Wednesdays 2 – 5pm
7415 Dwinelle Hall
Course Number 32349
Instructors: Nasser Zakariya and Winnie Wong