This special issue commemorates the fiftieth volume of the Historical Studies of Natural Sciences. It is also the first issue under the new HSNS Editorial Board Chair Erika Milam.
In the introduction to “Looking Backward, Looking Forward: HSNS at 50”, Milam writes:
“With this issue, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences celebrates the fiftieth volume…. Each subsequent appellation and each Editor—or more recently, Chair of the Editorial Board, which better captures the creative guidance of the colleagues who collectively manage the journal—has widened its mandate. In commemoration of this anniversary, we present a series of retrospective essays from people familiar with the journal’s history and involved in its current iteration. These essays are penned by scholars with deep connections to HSNS—they are editors, authors, and reviewers in equal measure—and demonstrate the diversity of historical approaches and subjects represented in its pages…. The broad intellectual concerns of the essays, stretching from the eighteenth century to the present, across an array of disciplines, reflect the contributors’ and the journal’s commitment to exploring the interconnections among the modern natural sciences.”
Read more here.
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