Essay Contest in the Histories of Health, Medicine, and Science in the Global Long Dureé

February 14th, 2024  |  Published in Latest news

Application open February 1st – April 1st, 2024

The Department of History at the University of Texas at Arlington, as part of the 58th Annual Walter Prescott Webb Lecture Series, invites original, article-length essays (10,000 words including footnotes) on a topic related to Histories of Health, Medicine, and Science in the Global Long Durée in South Asia, Europe, or Southeast Asia at any point between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries (c. 1500s to the 1900s). Scholarship on this topic has developed beyond predictable places and events, thereby creating the possibility of bringing together cutting-edge research from across world regions, languages, and temporalities in a single volume.

We are interested in a diverse set of topics that challenge scholarly orthodoxy (longstanding but also, potentially, new interpretive status quos), including the people-environment nexus; disease and epidemics; public health and medical
charity; polyglot ecologies of science; biomedical and popular medicine; disability and the body; and science and technology; among many other possibilities.

A prize in the amount of $1000 will be awarded to the author of the winning entry. The essay will subsequently appear in an edited collection, to be published by Texas A&M University Press.

Submit your essay to Webb Lectures Coordinator Julie Hazzard at: For more information, please contact organizers John Garrigus at, or Alberto Ortiz-Díaz at

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