PhD Designated Emphasis in STS Application Deadline Approaching

October 15th, 2024  |  Published in Latest news

The PhD and Designated Emphasis in STS application is currently open. The deadline to apply is November 1st, 2024!

The DE in STS is a program of training in the social studies of science, technology, and medicine for Berkeley PhD students from any home department. Students who are accepted into the program, and who complete its requirements, will be in a strong position to excel within STS-related fields.

Students in this program receive a rigorous grounding in the studies of knowledge production and technological change. The program also facilitates a deeper involvement with the lively interdisciplinary research community at U.C. Berkeley dedicated to understanding the dynamic relations among science, technology, and social and political formations

Upon completion of all requirements and the dissertation, your transcript and diploma will read “PhD in [Home Department] with Designated Emphasis in Science and Technology Studies.”

Please see our DE page listed on the CSTMS website for a more detailed description of features, requirements, and application process.

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