Contrasting Science Education and Science Research in Portugal and the U.S

21 Feb 2023
12:00 pm

Event Type
Special Event

In this panel discussion we will compare scientific research processes in Portugal and the U.S. Prof. Randy Schekman will discuss his research in the field of molecular biology, followed by a presentation by Prof. Carlos Fiolhais on his physics research. These presentations will be followed by a discussion on the difference in constructions of knowledge, education policies, and integration in non-academic sectors in the U.S and Portugal which impact scientific research.

Opening Remarks:

Francisco Duarte Lopes, Ambassador of Portugal to the USA



Elvira Callapez, Visiting Scholar, Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society, UC Berkeley / CIUCH-FCUL


Guest Speakers:

Randy Schekman, Howard Hughes Institute Investigator and Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, UC Berkeley; 2013 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine


Carlos Fiolhais, Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Coimbra


Closing Remarks:

Elvira Fortunato, Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Portugal


February 21, 2023 (Tuesday), 223 Moses Hall/via Zoom (hybrid event), at 12pm Pacific Time (8pm GMT)


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