Wo/men Scientists as Public Intellectuals: Comparative perspectives from Canada, Mexico, and the United States (NAFTA signatories)

Sunday - Monday
31 Oct - 1 Nov 1999

Geballe Room, 220 Stephens

Event Type

October 31, 1999 (Sunday, 12-6; Remember to turn your clocks back Saturday night)

12:00 Brunch (invited guests only)

1:15 Greetings: Norma Alarcon, Chairperson, Department of Women’s Studies, UC Berkeley; Roger Hahn, Director, Office for History of Science and Technology, UC Berkeley

First session: “Historical and theoretical perspectives on the rise of the public intellectual in the 20th Century,” Chair: Martin Jay, Chairperson, Department of History, UC Berkeley

1:30 “Gender, science, political culture, and ethnicity in the shaping of the “public intellectual”: Comparative Perspectives from the NAFTA countries” Pnina G. Abir-Am, NSF Visiting Associate Professor, Office for History of Science and Technology and Women’s Studies, UC Berkeley and Directeur-de-recherche au CNRS-CRHST, Paris

2:15 Lise Boily, Professor of Anthropology, University of Ottawa, The Bilingual University of Canada, “Francophone and Anglophone wo/men as public intellectuals in Canada: Contrasting pattern”

3:00 Discussant: Paul Rabinow, Chairperson, Anthropology, UC Berkeley

3:20 General Discussion

3:40 Tea & Refreshments (for all attendees)

4:00-5:30 Round Table on “Opportunities and obstacles for wo/men scientists in the public arena” Chariperson, Mary F. Singleton, OHST/UC-Berkeley & ACS. Panelists include:
Francoise Gaspard, French Dept., UC Berkeley
Michael Thaler, UCSF Medical School
Lynne Osman Elkin, CSU Hayward
Marc Feldman, Stanford University
Ernest B. Hook, UC Berkeley School of Public Health

November 1, 1999 (Monday, 9-6 pm)
9:00 Greetings: Norma Alarcon, Chairperson, Women’s Studies, UC Berkeley; Randy Starn, Director, Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities, UC Berkeley

“Wo/men Scientists and the public arena: From technical experts to public intellectuals” (Session in honor of Marian Koshland, (1927-1997) Professor of Immunology, UC Berkeley)
Chairpersons: Christina Gillis, Associate Director, Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities; Anne MacLachlan, Center for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley

9:30 “Marian Koshland, scientist and activist,” Mary Singleton, OHST, UC Berkeley and ACS

10:00 “Beyond Rigoberta’s Nobel Prize: Wo/men scientists as public intellectuals in Latin America,” Larissa Adler Lomnitz or To Be Announced, Professor of Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autonoma, Mexico City

10:40 Coffee & Refreshments (for all attendees)

11:00 “Wo/men chemists at UCB, home of two National Laboratories, in the public arena,” Darlene Hoffmann, National Science Medalist and Professor of Chemistry, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and UC Berkeley

11:20 Comments: Laura Nader, Anthropology, UC Berkeley

11:40 General Discussion

12:00-1:30 Lunch (invited guests only)

1:30- 5:30 Round Table on “Wo/men (social/human) scientists in the Public Arena” Chairperson: Carroll Brentano, Center for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley Panelists: Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Anthropology, UC Berkeley and Co-Chair, Organwatch; Sally Hughes,Oral History Project, The Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley; Sonja Amadae, Office for History of Science and Technology, UC Berkeley; Amalia Barili, Center for Latino-American Studies, UC Berkeley; Norma Alarcon, Chairperson, Women’s Studies; Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley

4:00-4:30 Tea & refreshments (for all attendees)

5:30-6:00 Concluding Remarks: Pnina G. Abir-Am & Mary F. Singleton

6:30 Dinner

This event is sponsored by CSTMS.
Additional sponsorship comes from:  Anthropology Department • Beatrice Bain Center • Chemistry Department • History Department • National Science Foundation • Office for the History of Science and Technology • Townsend Center for the Humanities
Beatrice Bain Center

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