The History of Science and Technology Working Group meets regularly to discuss ongoing research and other projects. The Working Group brings together graduate students, visiting scholars, and faculty for weekly discussions on history of science and technology research. Science and Technology Studies scholars are welcome to join the group as well. Possible topics include current OHST grad students’ dissertations; hot topics in the field, areas of interest that visiting scholars are working on, etc. This working group is not intended for formal presentations—no power points, rather we encourage participants to discuss their current research informally. The group provides a community forum and venue for conversation, and supportive critique.
Colloquium speakers in History of Science who present for the larger CSTMS group (the Thursday CSTMS Colloquium) are often invited to the working group during the week of their presentation. This is a great opportunity to engage in conversation with invited speakers.
Join the mailing list for updates on events.