CSTMS welcomed four new STS Designated Emphasis PhD Students last week at our STS-DE reception. We are pleased to announce Jane Flegal, Mukul Kumar, Marcus Owens, and Lindsay Parham have been accepted into the STS-DE.
The reception was also a chance to celebrate the successes of current STS-DE students: Lisa Brooks won a Fulbright Hays DDRA Fellowship to conduct her dissertation research in India next year. Liz Carlisle celebrated the release of her book, Lentil Underground. Victoria Massie published a piece, “Rethinking 21st Century Racism on the Way Home” last summer in GeneWatch Magazine’s special issue “Ancestry & DNA.” Michael Mendez accepted a gubernatorial appointment to the California State Mining and Geology Board. Ryan Whitacre has been writing articles for the newly-formed Social Science Matrix about emerging social science research across campus, and working as a research consultant for the San Francisco Department of Public Health on a study concerning novel clinical trial designs for HIV prevention.