Hélène Mialet Publishes Review of “The Theory of Everything” in Scientific American

April 21st, 2015  |  Published in Latest news, Research highlights

Hélène Mialet, visiting professor in the STS program at UC Davis, visiting scholar with CSTMS at UC Berkeley, and author of Hawking Incorporated (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012), published an essay in Scientific American reflecting on the The Theory of Everything and her experiences with Stephen Hawking and his network. She challenges the notion that scientific thought is a process that can be attributed to a single person.  Instead, when considering genius, we should also similarly consider the productive nature of networks of people and things, commonly only attributed to other less-dramatic life activities.

You can read her essay in full here: Stephen Hawking, Hawking Incorporated, and the Myth of the Lone Genius.

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