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- Gretchen Gano, The Center’s Associate Director of Research, coauthored a policy report with Experts and Citizens Assessing Science and Technology (ECAST) for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) based on a citizen- focused, participatory technology assessment of agency’s Asteroid Initiative. The report had its official release on October 1 in Washington DC in the New Tools of Science Policy Seminar entitled “From Asteroids to Oceans: Using public Engagement to Inform Policy Decisions” at the Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes. Read Nasa’s press release here and get the full report.
- Marissa Mika defended her PhD in History and Sociology of Science at the University of Pennsylvania in September 2015. Much of “Research is Our Resource: Surviving Experiments and Politics at an African Cancer Institute,” was written as a visiting student on Berkeley’s campus. The dissertation is both a social history of postcolonial east Africa, and a case study of how medical research collaborations are transformed by political crisis, the social needs of patients and their caretakers, and changing scientific priorities.
- James D. Skee, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of History, gave a workshop in June 2015 entitled The World’s Fair since 1945, University of Milan. Additionally, Skee presented this month at the Historical Network Research International Conference, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon.