4S Barcelona 2016

September 7th, 2016  |  Published in Latest news

Congratulations to all the CSTMS affiliates who presented last week in Barcelona, Spain, at the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) and EASST annual meeting. Attendees collectively explored the ways in which science and technology are increasingly performed ‘by other means’, in a variety of exploratory activities that include the articulation of collectives that do not fit with the traditional actors in science and technology, or in ways that problematize the established value systems involved in the production of knowledge and technologies.

Here are the presenters and papers:

Track 1: Materializing governance by information infrastructure

Dr. Stuart Geiger- “The Wisdom of Bots:” An ethnographic study of the delegation of governance work to information infrastructures in Wikipedia

Track 79: Framing of emerging technologies as a strategic device

Mr. Richmond Wong and Professor Deirdre Mulligan- “Framing Future Privacy Concern through Corporate Concept Videos”

Ms. Meena Natarajan- “The social construction of ignorance in the strategic framing of biosensing technologies”

Track 81: Science and Technology for Social Justice

Ms. Alison Cohen- “Collaborative Science and Knowledge Justice in a French Industrial Region”

Track 96: Emerging biotechnologies in psychiatry and clinical psychology

Dr. Torsten Heinemann was a convenor for the track and presented a paper, “The neuroscience of psychopathy between medicalization and criminalization

Track 113: Critical Data Studies

Convenors: Dr. Charlotte Mazel Cabasse, Dr. Stuart Geiger, Dr. Laura Noren, Dr. Gretchen Gano, Professor Massimo Mazzotti

Dr. Charlotte Mazel- Cabasse- “An afternoon hack” Enabling data driven scientific computing in the open

Prof. Cathyrn Carson- “Data Science/ Science Studies