Affiliate News

September 7th, 2016  |  Published in Latest news

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Recent News

This summer, Jane Flegal spent a month at the OECD in Paris, France, working on international science policy with her dissertation advisor (and CSTMS Co-Director), David Winickoff. Her work focused on public engagement with emerging technologies in OECD countries. While in Europe, Jane presented a paper on the use of –and controversy over– climate modeling as evidence for solar geoengineering research policy at the Science & Democracy Network annual meeting in London. Following a bit of travel, Jane then spent two weeks at a Solar Geoengineering Residency at Harvard University, where she worked with a dozen interdisciplinary scholars interested in solar geoengineering research and its governance. She’s excited to be serving as a Berkeley Connect fellow during the upcoming academic year.

Jameson Karns  received the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Doctoral Year Fellowship, the IIE Fulbright, the Germanistic Society of America Fellowship, the Foreign Language Area Studies Grant, and the Hagley Exploratory Grant.

DE PhD student, Freyja L Knapp, has a new article out in Environment and Planning:
Knapp, F. L. (2016). The birth of the flexible mine: Changing geographies of mining and the e-waste commodity frontier. Environment and Planning A.

Heather Mellquist Lehto returns to Berkeley after spending two years in the field, as a Fulbright-Hays Fellow in South Korea and a Wenner-Gren Fellow in Los Angeles studying technology in transnational Korean churches. Beginning this fall she will be writing her dissertation as a Korea Foundation Graduate Fellow; she is excited to be back at the CSTMS.

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