Affiliate News

November 14th, 2016  |  Published in Latest news

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The Center welcomes faculty members, student, visiting scholar and fellows to submit activities to be reported in affiliate news each month. Please email a brief description of what you have been doing to

Recent News

  • DE Student and Working Group leader, Angelo Matteo Caglioti will be awarded the “ History of Science Fellowship” of the American Meteorological Society at their next meeting for my dissertation “Meteorological Imperialism: Colonialism and the Making of Meteorology in Liberal and Fascist Italy (1870-1940).”
  • Morgan Ames, CSTMS Postdoc, participated in a workshop on “power brokers: building youth social capital through connected learning” as part of the Digital Media and Learning conference at UC Irvine on October 5th. I presented this short paper as part of it: Ames, Morgan G. and Jenna Burrell. “Race, Class, and Minecraft: The Microsociology of Diverse Videogame Play.”
  • Morgan Ames published two new journal articles:
    • Ames, Morgan G. and Jenna Burrell. “‘Connected Learning’ and the Equity Agenda: A Microsociology of Minecraft Play.” Proceedings of CSCW 2017, ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. ACM Press, February 2017.
    • Srinivasan, Janaki, Megan Finn, and Morgan G. Ames. “Information Determinism: The Consequences of a Faith in Information.” The Information Society, forthcoming January 2017
  • Natascha Gruver will be publishing two paper in the Proceedings of the X. Leibniz Congress, July 17-21, Hannover, Germany:
    • “Calculus ratiocinator: Leibniz’ contribution to the origins of symbolic logic“
    • “Ad felicitatem publicam: Leibniz’ Scientia Generalis – Momente einer Wissenschaftskonzeption und deren gegenwärtige Relevanz“
  • Natascha Gruver is currently working on the “Discourse History of Quantum Theory” at CSTMS.
    • I work with the interview collection assembled by Thomas Kuhn and John Heilbron. This extensive collection encompasses not only about 180 interview sessions with 95 interviewees, it consists also of letters, laboratory notes (copies from other archives) and reprints from Journals. Working with the rich archive material I have drafted three papers I attempt to unfold in the next couple months. They are at the intersection of philosophy of physics and history of physics:
      1. Aspects of the Continuum Concept in Physics and Philosophy
      2. Ether Theory Revised
      3. Early modern theories of relativity: the case of Huygens and Leibniz contra Newton

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