Graduate Students
PhD Graduate Field in History of Science
Elizabeth Hargrett |
History |
Henry Schmidt |
History |
Alara Uçak |
History |
Suzanne Winter |
History |
PhD Designated Emphasis in STS
Nicholas Anderman |
Geography, |
Renata Barreto-Montenegro |
UC Berkeley School of Law, |
Gil Breger |
Near Eastern Studies, |
Michael D’Arcy |
Medical Anthropology, |
Radmila Djordjevic |
Anthropology, |
S.E. Freeman |
Geography, |
Elizabeth Hargrett |
History, |
Kaily Heitz |
Geography, |
Shakirah Esmail Hudani |
City and Regional Planning, |
Niklas Lollo |
Energy and Resources Group, |
Nain Martinez |
Environmental Science, Policy & Management, |
Brie McLemore |
Jurisprudence and Social Policy, |
Michael Montilla |
PhD Candidate, City and Regional Planning |
Laura Moreno |
Energy and Resources Group, |
Bernardo Moreno Peniche |
PhD Candidate, Medical Anthropology |
Mauricio Najarro |
Medical Anthropology, |
Lisa Ng |
PhD Candidate, Ethnic Studies |
Seyi Olojo |
PhD Candidate, School of Information |
Marcus Owens |
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, |
Lindsay Parham |
Jurisprudence and Social Policy, |
Henry Schmidt |
History, |
Alara Uçak |
History, |
Ryan Whitacre |
Medical Anthropology, |
Adrian Wilson |
Anthropology, |
Leonora Zoninsein |
Geography, |