The Berkeley program in STS brings together a diverse community of scholars studying the origins, growth, and consequences of scientific and technological knowledge and practice. Focusing on the changing conditions of knowledge production today, cutting-edge theoretical and conceptual inquiry, and engagement with public policy, the Program welcomes the participation of members from any department, including faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, undergraduates, and visiting scholars. Program activities include the combined History of Science and STS Working Group, the Special Project on Science and Technology Governance, the graduate Designated Emphasis in STS, the Undergraduate Course Thread in Sciences and Society, and contributing speakers to the CSTMS colloquium series.
Science & Technology Studies has the capacity to forge new thinking and new collaborations at the intersection of the sciences and society.
As a multidisciplinary field with a signature capacity to rethink the relationship among science, technology, and political and social life, Science & Technology Studies is particularly well placed to address the critical problems of the 21st century. From global climate change to the reanimation of race through genomics, from political movements galvanized through new media, to efforts to improve access to medicines for the world’s poor, the pressing problems of our time are simultaneously scientific and social, technological and political, ethical and economic.
Given the complex nature of our world, entrenched disciplinary divides have become increasingly untenable as the basis for research, and for the training of scholars and social actors. Science & Technology Studies is drawing the interest of ever-increasing numbers of students and faculty because of its unique ability to help us understand the complexity of contemporary and historical problems, and because it can help us craft intellectual projects and modes of engagement that reflect this complexity more fully. Several generations of innovative work in the philosophy, history, rhetoric, and social studies of science and technology have generated influential languages, platforms, and methods for understanding the interplay between science, technology, and social-political formations — domains that are too often treated separately. This virtue is being recognized and reflected in the growing interest in the field: Science & Technology Studies is one of the fastest growing areas in the social sciences and humanities, nationwide and internationally.
Disciplinary lines and research landscapes are starting to shift in directions anticipated by Science & Technology Studies. National directives now encourage the participation of social scientists in engineering research; medical schools increasingly require applicants to train in the humanities; and emerging fields such as ‘green chemistry’ demand heterodox approaches to thinking about environmental and social parameters, the properties of chemical substances, and shifting industrial horizons. Meanwhile, cutting-edge work in the humanities and social sciences has made science and technology central to the humanistic project, examining for example, the past and future of the book, historical and contemporary foundations of race and racial identity, or ethical debates over biomedicine and the boundaries of the body. Indeed, the humanities and social sciences are recognized as key fields from which crucial questions about science and technology emerge, helping us understand when and why particular research programs become dominant, attending to the effects and implications of new technologies and knowledges, and placing ethical and social inquiries at the center of scientific enterprises. Science and Technology Studies organizes and galvanizes precisely these kinds inquiries and approaches.
STSC-affiliated Faculty
Sam Weiss Evans |
Research FellowResearch Assistant Professor, Program on Science, Technology, and Society, Tufts University Research Fellow, Program on Science, Technology & Society, Harvard University Research Affiliate, Program on Emerging Technology, MIT Tufts University, MIT, Harvard University |
David Bates |
Professor, Department of Rhetoric
Cori Hayden |
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology
Lawrence Cohen |
Professor, Department of Anthropology
Charles Briggs |
Alan Dundes Distinguished Professor, Anthropology
Clair Brown |
Professor, Department of Economics Chair, Center for Work, Technology and Society, Institute of Industrial Relations
Jenna Burrell |
Associate Professor, iSchool
Cathryn Carson |
Professor, History
James Casey |
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Mel Chen |
Associate Professor, Department of Gender & Women's Studies
Adele Clarke |
Professor Emerita of Sociology & Adjunct Professor Emerita of History of Health Sciences, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
University of California, San Francisco |
Marianne Constable |
Professor, Department of Rhetoric
Brian Dolan |
Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Anthropology, History and Social Medicine Director, Graduate Programs in History of Health Sciences Director, UC Medical Humanities Consortium University of California, San Francisco |
Frederick Dolan |
Professor Emeritus, Department of Rhetoric (UCB) Professor & Dean of Graduate Studies, Humanities (CCA)
California College of the Arts |
Vincanne Adams |
Professor, Anthropology, History and Social Medicine
University of California, San Francisco |
John A. Douglass |
Senior Research Fellow, Center for Studies in Higher Education
Daniel Farber |
Sato Sho Professor of Law, Boalt School of Law Faculty Co-Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
Marion Fourcade |
Professor, Department of Sociology
Evelyn Nakano Glenn |
Professor, Department of Ethnic Studies Professor, Department of Gender and Women's Studies Director, Center for Race and Gender |
Kenneth Goldberg |
Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Deborah Gordon |
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, History and Social Medicine
University of California, San Francisco |
Bronwyn Hall |
Professor Emerita, Department of Economics
Jodi Halpern |
Professor of Bioethics and Medical Humanities, School of Public Health and the Joint Medical Program
John Harte |
Professor, Energy and Resources Group
Jennifer Johnson-Hanks |
Professor, Departments of Demography and Sociology
Donna V. Jones |
Associate Professor, Department of English
William Kastenberg |
Professor Emeritus, Department of Nuclear Engineering
Sharon Kaufman |
Chair, Department of Anthropology, History and Social Medicine Professor Emerita, Department of Anthropology, History and Social Medicine, UCSF
University of California, San Francisco |
Ann Keller |
Assistant Professor, School of Public Health
Jake Kosek |
Associate Professor, Department of Geography
John Lie |
C.K. Cho Professor, Department of Sociology
Kristin Luker |
Professor, Boalt School of Law Professor, Department of Sociology
Carolyn Merchant |
Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management
Deirdre K. Mulligan |
Associate Professor, School of Information
Greg Niemeyer |
Associate Professor, Department of Art Practice
Aihwa Ong |
Professor, Department of Anthropology , East & Southeast Asian Studies Blum Program in Developing Economies , Global Metropolitan Studies
Nancy Lee Peluso |
Henry J. Vaux Distinguished Professor of Forest Policy, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management
Dorothy Porter |
Professor, Department of Anthropology, History and Social Medicine
University of California, San Francisco |
Paul Rabinow |
Professor, Department of Anthropology
Leigh Raiford |
Associate Professor, Department of African American Studies
Francesca Rochberg |
Professor, Department of Near Eastern Studies
Christine Rosen |
Associate Professor, Haas School of Business Associate Director, Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry
Pamela Samuelson |
Professor, iSchool Professor, Boalt School of Law Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law and Technology |
AnnaLee Saxenian |
Dean, iSchool Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning
Nathan Sayre |
Associate Professor, Department of Geography
Harry N. Scheiber |
Professor, Boalt School of Law Director, Institute for Legal Research Director, Sho Sato Program in Japanese and U.S. Law |
Nancy Scheper-Hughes |
Professor, Department of Anthropology Director, Organs Watch
Janet Shim |
Associate Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
University of California, San Francisco |
David J. Teece |
Professor, Haas School of Business Director, Institute for Business Innovation Faculty Director, Institute for Business Innovation |
Nancy Van House |
Emerita Professor, School of Information
Elizabeth Watkins |
Professor, Anthropology, History and Social Medicine
University of California, San Francisco |
Steven Weber |
Professor, Department of Political Science Professor, School of Information
Michael Wintroub |
Associate Professor, Department of Rhetoric
Alexei Yurchak |
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology
Alastair Iles |
Associate Director, STSCAssociate Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management
Minoo Moallem |
Professor, Department of Gender and Women's Studies
John E. Lesch |
Professor Emeritus, Department of History
Thomas Laqueur |
Co-Director, PMH Professor Emeritus, Department of History
Rosemary Joyce |
Professor, Anthropology
Seth M. Holmes |
Martin Sisters Endowed Chair, Associate Professor, School of Public Health Co-Director, MD/PhD Track in Medical Anthropology, Department of Anthropology Co-Chair, Berkeley Center for Social Medicine |
Lisa Allette Brooks |
Research Fellow, CSTMS
Morgan G. Ames |
Associate Director of Research and Chair of the Designated Emphasis in STSAssistant Adjunct Professor, School of Information
Rachel Morello-Frosch |
Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management Professor, School of Public Health
Sarah Vaughn |
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology
Hannah Zeavin |
CSTMS FacultyAssistant Professor, Department of History Assistant Professor, The Berkeley Center for New Media
Ashton Wesner |
CSTMS Research Fellow
Amani M. Allen |
Associate Professor, School of Public Health
Brandi Thompson Summers |
FacultyAssistant Professor, Geography and Global Metropolitan Studies
Timothy Tangherlini |
CSTMS Faculty AffiliateProfessor, Department of Scandinavian Graduate Advisor, Folklore Program
Tom McEnaney |
CSTMS Faculty AffiliateAssociate Professor, Comparative Literature and Spanish & Portuguese
Shreeharsh Kelkar |
CSTMS Faculty AffiliateLecturer, Interdisciplinary Studies Field
Carisa Harris |
CSTMS Faculty AffiliateAssistant Professor, School of Public Health Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine Director, Ergonomics Graduate Training Program University of California, San Francisco |
Mark Fleming |
Assistant Professor of Health and Social Behavior, School of Public Health
Elizabeth Hoover |
CSTMS Faculty AffiliateAssociate Professor, Environmental Science Policy and Management
Thomas M. Philip |
Faculty AffiliateProfessor, Graduate School of Education
Akash Kumar |
Assistant Professor, Italian Studies
Stephen Collier |
Professor, Department of City & Regional Planning, UC Berkeley
University of California, Santa Cruz |
Visiting Scholars and Visiting Students are a vital part of the life of the Center, providing a continual source of new ideas and integrating with our active community events. The Center hosts several visiting scholars and students each year and maintains a lively collaboration with centers abroad. Read more
Current STSC Visiting Scholars
Jillian R. Yarbrough |
Visiting ScholarClinical Assistant and Virginia Engler Professor of Management, West Texas A&M University
Brian Freer |
Visiting ScholarResearch Affiliate, Department of Nuclear Engineering
North Carolina State University |
Tamara Kneese |
Visiting ScholarSenior Researcher and Project Director, Data & Society Research Institute, Algorithmic Impact Methods Lab
Beom-Jun Seo |
Visiting ScholarMedical manager of oncology, neuro immunology, Merck KGaA
Megan Finn |
Visiting ScholarAssociate Professor, University of Washington's Information School
Nuno Martins |
Visiting ScholarResearch Fellow, PMH, CSTMS, University of California Berkeley
Ricky Wichum |
Visiting ScholarLecturer (Oberassistent), Chair of History of Technology, ETH Zurich
Anna Molas |
Visiting ScholarJuan de la Cierva Fellow (AFIN Research Group), Autonomous University of Barcelona
Monash University |
Maryam Firoozi |
Visiting ScholarAssociate Professor, Accounting
Carleton University |
Aidan Seale-Feldman |
Visiting ScholarAssistant Professor, Department of Anthropology
University of Notre Dame |
Nathaniel Comfort |
Visiting ScholarProfessor, History of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
Kristin Kaltenhäuser |
Visiting Student ResearcherPhD Fellow, University of Copenhagen English Literature, UC Berkeley BA Media and Culture Studies, Bauhaus, University Weimar, Germany |
Ximeng Chen |
CSTMS Visiting ScholarAssociate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Xi’an Jiaotong University |
Henning Laux |
Professor, Director, Leibniz Center for Science and Society at Leibniz University Hannover, Germany.
Leibniz University Hannover |
The Designated Emphasis (DE) in Science and Technology Studies (STS) is a new program of training in the social studies of science, technology, and medicine for Berkeley PhD students from any home department. Students who are accepted into the program, and who complete its requirements, will be in a strong position to excel within STS-related fields. Read more
Current Graduate Students
Ryan Whitacre |
PhD Designated Emphasis in STS Medical Anthropology
University of California, San Francisco |
Michael D’Arcy |
PhD Designated Emphasis in STS Medical Anthropology
University of California, San Francisco |
Radmila Djordjevic |
PhD Designated Emphasis in STS Anthropology
Lindsay Parham |
PhD Designated Emphasis in STS Jurisprudence and Social Policy JD Candidate UC Berkeley Law School
Marcus Owens |
PhD Designated Emphasis in STS Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
Laura Moreno |
PhD Designated Emphasis in STS Energy and Resources Group
Gil Breger |
PhD Designated Emphasis in STS Near Eastern Studies
Shakirah Esmail Hudani |
PhD Designated Emphasis in DE City and Regional Planning
Adrian Wilson |
Nain Martinez |
Environmental Science, Policy & Management
Nicholas Anderman |
Niklas Lollo |
Energy and Resources Group
Kaily Heitz |
Elizabeth Hargrett |
Graduate Student History
Henry Schmidt |
STS DE Student History
Mauricio Najarro |
PhD Designated Emphasis in STS Medical Anthropology
Leonora Zoninsein |
PhD Designated Emphasis in STS Geography
Renata Barreto-Montenegro |
PhD Designated Emphasis in STS UC Berkeley School of Law
S.E. Freeman |
PhD Designated Emphasis in STS Geography
Brie McLemore |
Jurisprudence and Social Policy
Seyi Olojo |
PhD Candidate School of Information
Michael Montilla |
PhD Candidate City and Regional Planning Graduate Student Researcher Institute of Urban and Regional Development
Bernardo Moreno Peniche |
PhD Candidate Medical Anthropology
University of California, San Francisco |
Lisa Ng |
PhD Candidate Ethnic Studies
Alara Uçak |
Graduate Student History
Berkeley |
The HST/STS Working Group is a group of scholars brought together by shared interest in STS practices and approaches. Our research interests cover topics in environment, technology, development, food, agriculture, and health, both now and in the past. The working group meets periodically to share and discuss works in progress and review key and novel papers in the field. Members are encouraged to make as many meetings as possible, as the intent of the group is to develop a community of scholars with shared knowledge. Read more
If you could like to join us, please sign up to our email list. This list is specific to the working group, and does not cover general STS announcements (which are sent here), or information about Center events and updates (which are here).